Monday, 21 November 2016

Maybe the Ex-Queen ...for Melly

Maybe the Ex-Queen

In my dream I was packing for Anjuna
clothes selected for your funeral
tightly pressed in your old suitcase
and I ripped a page from a book
with a special poem, but I didn’t look
and now I’m awake I’m at a loss
as to what it was
 – perhaps Fleur Adcock?

 I know you knew if I was well enough
I’d have come while you were alive
I’d have tended to your needs
and you to mine
and we’d have fought
as we always did
trigger happy tarts
targeting each other’s hearts
in a transactional analytical field day kind of way

but now we were in our fifties
we had a nifty plan
to meet on the beach
(in Goa or Brighton)
and try out some gentler manoeuvres

One two three four
I declare a thumb war

I didn’t think you’d come astride a terrestrial body,
your hair crackling, your eyes like comet-sparks*
the Full Moon in Taurus
as close as she’s ever been
to Earth in our lifetime,
but I’d never doubted that you’d win.

No, I never doubted that you’d win.

* Fleur Adcock’s The Ex-Queen among the Astronomers

Thursday, 17 November 2016

For Melanie Swallow who gave me the title and last line

Candyball Crushers
once upon a moon
my candy crush and me
were gorgeous
the fiercest peroxide hellraisers
riding the waltzers while rushing our tits off
spinning like sugar in a candyfloss maker
but not pink and fluffy
we’re hardcore for life
tough disco biscuits, spangled and fun

looking for guys with sweet balls of gum

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Untitled but it's National Poetry Day - theme Messages

Glitches in my knitting
stitches dropped by
lapsed concentration as
I sip my tea
wipe milk from baby’s sleepy face
listen to a train in the distance rolling on to Londontown
where I worked until this illness laid me down.

I stare at the tea stains
on the Peter Pan pattern
like Mrs Darling examining
a left behind shadow.

Unfortunately Mrs D
was a tidy sort of woman
not like me and I suspect
not like you, who owned
this pattern before me.

We might lose stitches and spill our tea
but we’d never pull
a child-size shadow in from the window
for fear it looked like dirty washing
and roll it up and put it in the

Out of sight.

Out of mind.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Countdown to Zero

We are fragile sometimes
but now
we are as close to midnight as we’ve ever been.

We wake too late
falsely lulled by familiar sirens.
Three minutes and counting.

Counting all we hold dear.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Eton Mess

I’m trying not to tread on eggshells
while the tips of my toes bleed
and I forget
exactly what I’m trying to protect -
your feelings or my feet?

And then I recall
it wasn’t me who balanced all the eggs in one small basket
then smashed them all to smithereens
whilst flashing that sociopathic smile
and suggesting a recipe for pavlova.

It’s a bloody mess.

But I separate the yolks, the sharpened shards
and bind my feet
then use the glair
to stop the gold leaf sticking to my skin

while I fix this guilty heart.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

For Liz

A kaleidoscopic
lad insane
courses through my veins my brain
my only way of being

right now

freaking through sound and vision at break neck speed
on a celestial course
of course
there’s no other way of being

right here
right now

an onomatopoeic
a sonic boom
electric blue
sets jets scrambling

there’s nothing to see here
no cause for concern
they said
as they twisted our gaze away from the truth

And yet for once they spoke the truth -
there’s no cause for concern.
Planet 9 is fine.

My Man who fell to Earth
our roles reversed
our souls entwined
I’m here

right here
right now

Aurora’s hypersonic flight.

Expand your crescent mind
and see the soft glow on the unlit part of the Moon
for what it really is.

Earthshine illuminating the lunar sky.

© Spangle McQueen May 4th 2016

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Screen attack

I am staring at this mini screen immediately behind which are two more screens which I'm supposed to be working on. Deadlines loom behind the light of three screens bouncing off my spectacles lenses behind which I weep. When did life turn into this multiple screen disorder?

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

If you’ve been gassed…

This will not be brutal
if you’ve been gassed
you may experience
in your eyes, nose, mouth
and skin.
You may experience
of your vision.

This will not be brutal
If you’ve been gassed
you may experience
difficulties and
You may experience
raging feelings
 from pepper spray exposure.

Intense anger is a common response.

This will not be brutal
if you’ve been gassed
you may experience
confusion, disorientation
and panic.
But do not panic.
The effects of tear gas and pepper spray
are temporary,
not life-threatening
unless you’re vulnerable –
a child
or elderly
or immune compromised.
If you’re pregnant
you may be at risk of spontaneous abortion.
If you’re a nursing mother
you may be at risk of passing toxins
onto your infant.
Contact lenses may fuse to eyes
And cause blindness.

This will not be brutal
you may wish to avoid being gassed.
But please be aware
Police abuse is unpredictable
and avoidance is not always possible.

If you’re at risk of being gassed
a gas mask might be best
but please be aware
tho’ gas masks work best
they can look intimidating
and make us targets of police violence.

So, think carefully about your
impact on others
when you decide how to protect yourself.
And remember
this will not be brutal.

 N.B A lot of these lines were found at

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Found Poem

Ripples in the fabric of space-time
Gravitational waves are prediction of the Theory of General Relativity
Their existence has been inferred by science but only now directly detected
They are ripples in the fabric of space and time produced by violent events
Accelerating masses will produce waves that propagate at the speed of light
Detectable sources ought to include merging black holes and neutron stars
LIGO fires lasers into long, L-shaped tunnels; the waves disturb the light
Detecting the waves opens up the Universe to completely new investigations