Monday 7 January 2013

An old poem while I wait for some inspiration in 2013. How is it 2013?

Julia 1984

Preserved beneath the lake the diver found
The breathless forms of forests that once drowned.

Oh, dear, you left me breathless that sweet day
beneath the screen-free shade of tender oak
where no one heard the thoughts that we could say
aloud. Nor knew of loveless dictates that we broke.

We promised to preserve our deepest bond
of love, although we knew we would betray
our traitorous selves – as scummy as a pond,
once bodies racked and bruised began to fray.

Oh dear, resolve was overpowered in hours
as love dissolved in fears in one-oh-one.
My dam bricks broke more easily than yours.
My suffocated self’s become no-one.  


  1. Keep the words coming Spangly. It's hard to describe how poetry touches the soul and heart. x
